

Type: reef break
Direction: right, short left
Length of wave: 60 – 90m
Offshore: N-NE
Wave size: 2 – 10ft
Tide: medium
Skill level: expert
Comments: It’s the first wave you’ll see as you enter Innes National Park, and it sets the bar high. Chi’s throws a thick barrel over a shallow ledge at anything over 3ft, and it just gets bigger and heavier from there.


Three Poles


Type: reef break
Skill lever: beginner – intermediate
Direction: right and left
Length of wave: 60 – 100m
Offshore: SE-NE
Wave size: 1 – 4ft
Wave type: soft / peeling
Tide: medium
lat / long: [ -35.179282, 138.465950]
Comments: Three poles is popular with longboarders and can get crowded, shortboarders can occasionally score the less frequently surfed left hander.