South Coast



Winds are light onshore on the South Coast at around 5 knots from the SW, and conditions are a bit lumpy but OK early. Swell is still a bit WSW with surf still only about 1′ along the Middleton – Goolwa stretch, so again the Waits / Parson’s side of the coast will be your best bet. Winds are forecast to pick up from the SW-SE to around 15 knots, but with it being so hot they probably won’t get that strong. Swell should build a bit after lunch, but conditions will deteriorate.


Mid Coast


Once again conditions are clean and glassy on the Mid Coast early with very light North winds, and small swell sneaking in. Near high tide it’s pretty full but there are some 1′ waves on the reefs. The dropping tide will kill it mid morning, but the beachies will have some waist high peelers waves through low tide at lunch. The arvo may see size lift slightly, sea breezes may add a efw bumps before SE-E winds clean it up in the evening. Shred Factor 4/10


Surf areas – Mid Coast

snakes_apr19South Australia’s Mid Coast, or Mid South Coast by its formal name, is located 50 minutes drive South of Adelaide, on the Fleurieu Peninsula. The focal point is the stretch of reef and beach breaks along a 7km stretch from Christie’s Beach at the Northern end, to Moana at the Southern end. Close to 30 setups are packed into this small area.